Frequently asked questions

Do you edit manuscripts in fields other than the biological and biomedical sciences?

Yes. We specialize in scientific editing for researchers in the life sciences. However, we are frequently requested to edit manuscripts in other areas of study.

Do you provide expedited service?

Yes. Contact us for a custom quote and a member of our team will respond promptly.

Are translation services available?

No. We do not translate manuscripts or other documents.

What happens if I miscalculate the manuscript word count?

A member of our team will confirm that the word count is correct before it is assigned to an editor. If the actual word count is higher or lower than originally estimated, we will contact you with a revised service cost and turnaround time. Because we require your permission to proceed with the service, a word count miscalculation is likely to result in a service delay.

How is turnaround time calculated?

Our receiving office is open 7 days a week from 9 am - 5 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST). Turnaround times for manuscripts submitted outside of regular office hours are calculated from the start of business the next day (9 am). Customers can expect their manuscripts to be returned by 11:59 pm on the due date. 

Will my assigned editor assess my writing style or make extensive changes to the structure of the manuscript?

Our standard editing service corrects errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, consistency and word choice. More intensive editing for manuscript style, flow and structure is available on a project-by-project basis. Contact us to request a custom quote.

Will my assigned editor assess the scientific merit of my paper?

No. Our editors will not edit the manuscript for research content. We will not comment on any aspect of the experimental design, data, or interpretation.

What is your editing policy for manuscripts that have been translated by machines?

We do not recommend the use of online translator programs such as Google translate. These programs frequently produce text that does not retain the author's original intended meaning, and may produce unintelligible gibberish. Although we will do our best, we cannot guarantee that text translated by computer programs will not be misinterpreted during editing. We also reserve the right to decline to edit sentences, paragraphs or sections of the manuscript that cannot be understood.   

Will my assigned editor be identified by name?

No. Our editors remain anonymous to protect their privacy and objectivity.

Can you guarantee that my manuscript will be accepted by the journal after using your services?

We are confident that our services will better your chances of manuscript acceptance. However, journals often receive many more good submissions than they have space to print. Thus, we cannot guarantee that your manuscript will be accepted for publication.

What is your confidentiality policy?

Your research is safe with us. All members of our team are required sign a strict confidentiality agreement. We also use modern encryption methods to protect your research during data transfer and storage.

Will you edit or format figures or tables?

Our standard editing and formatting services do not include figures or tables. However, figures or tables may be edited or formatted according to journal guidelines for an additional fee. Contact us for more information or to request a custom quote.